As you know, keeping your customers’ eyes on your business requires constant effort and can take many different forms.

RMH Systems’ Remote Warehouse Dealer Program helps you market your business, improves your brand recognition, and optimizes the possibility of repeat business. Free Marketing!

The Remote Warehouse Program is a very simple concept. When you order from RMH and we ship to your customer the order goes out with your brand on:

  • The Shipping Labels
  • The Bill of Lading
  • One Beam in each Bundle

The shipping labels and bill of lading help keep YOUR   brand in front of YOUR  customer and make the shipment look like it came from YOU.  Adding stickers with your company information to the beams ensures the customer knows who to call next time.

Signing up is easy and using the program is even easier. Simply provide me with your company logo and information and we’ll set everything up. To use the program, just write “Remote Warehouse” on your purchase orders and we’ll take care of it.

It’s free. It’s almost ridiculously easy.  Why wouldn’t you use it?

Have questions or want to sign up? Give me a call at 630-516-1115 or email at