Operating a warehouse is no easy task. It requires discipline, coordination, organization, and time-management skills. When a warehouse is run efficiently and smoothly, goods are delivered on time, customers are happy, and profits increase. When a warehouse is run inefficiently with constant hiccups, goods arrive late, customers are disgruntled, and profits decrease as the need to redo operations increases.

RMH Systems was founded over 20 years ago to help you run your warehouse optimally so your customers are happy. We offer warehouse consulting services that will help you to pinpoint inefficiencies in your warehouse operations and your warehouse layout and logistics. We’ll form a strategy for your to optimize your warehouse automation procedures as well as your warehouse logistics. In addition, we offer our proprietary KW Werks line that will help you do just that, offering drive-in pallet racking, wire decks, industrial conveyor systems, and warehouse mezzanine systems. Continue reading below, and then contact us today for all your warehouse solutions!


Identify your warehouse inefficiencies.

Your goal is to operate a lean warehouse, meaning everything is in its place, operating efficiently, and with little hiccups. You want to aim to reduce handling time, the time it takes to unload and load trucks and increase communication between employees. Most warehouses are not just a place to store goods anymore. They are temporary storage of goods that are in constant motion. From minimizing downtime in machines to constantly being on top of your inventory levels, efficient warehouse operations can greatly increase profitability since the more goods you move, the more money you make. RMH Systems specializes in helping your warehouse maximize its processes and logistics to be more profitable. Contact us today to learn more!

Don’t let shipments just sit around.

As a warehouse owner and operator or a warehouse manager, you don’t want your employees sitting around, not doing anything. This analogy applies similarly with your goods. Allowing recently received goods to sit around instead of being inventoried, processed, and prepared to ship out again is only costing you money. RMH Systems suggests you unpack the boxes as soon as they arrive, break down the cardboard boxes, haul them out to the recycling, and then stock the goods accordingly. This will save you a ton of time when it is time to ship them out.

Invest in your employees.

Most people hate being bored and love learning. If given a choice, they wouldn’t just sit around, twiddling their thumbs. Invest in employee training on all of your warehouse operations and processes. This will not only increase the efficiency of your warehouse, but it will also encourage innovation from your employees as they discover ways to do things better. Furthermore, RMH Systems notes that educated employees are safe employees, and they are employees who want to stick around longer instead of looking for other jobs.

Constantly strive for improvement.

Sitting on your laurels will work for a while, until your competitor, who is constantly innovating, passes you by a landslide. There is always ways to innovate and make a process better or faster than it was before. Perhaps technology has finally caught up to your packing procedures. Or perhaps even adding in a ramp could speed up loading and unloading times. Get your employees involved. Sometimes the best ideas come from outside perspectives. RMH Systems notes that perhaps you should consider an equipment upgrade, such as our K3 Werks products. From our wire partitions to our double deep pallet rack, you may be able to pack more products in a smaller space. Constantly asking the questions and striving to answer them with better warehouse operations will keep you ahead of your competition.

Reconsider how you organize your inventory.

Traditionally, you’ll have the same inventory stored on one shelf. For example, one shelf might house boys’ pants in all sizes imaginable. However, this could lead to errors in packing. Instead, try to think how to organize based on how your customers order. You’ll want to look for patterns. For example, if you have one customer who consistently orders the same goods, stocking those together will be a huge time saver rather than running back and forth across the warehouse to gather the customer’s order. This is just one example where experimenting with how you organize your inventory can make a big difference in packing efficiencies.  RMH Systems wants to help you organize your warehouse operations and supplies better by offering our K3 Werks products, which can support all of your warehouse goods. Contact us today to get started!


RMH Systems was founded over 20 years ago with the idea to make warehouses better. We do this by helping you find the inefficiencies in your warehouse management and processes as you constantly strive for improvement. We not only offer the physical means to hold your goods, such as what our K3 Werks products offer, but we also offer exceptional organizational means as well, such as our selective pallet racking systems and decking, which can store all shapes and sizes. Our warehouse mezzanine systems allow you to take advantage of unused space overhead for storage purposes.

When you partner with RMH Systems, you’ll not only receive a strategy for your warehouse, but also you’ll get the means and tools to implement your warehouse solutions. Contact us today to get started!